Thursday, August 7, 2008

You need 2 qualities to train a cat: patience & technique. The training will proceed even more smoothly if you reward your cat for picking up a trick. Commands like sit, down, come here, go in and others normally associated with dogs, can be inserted in your cat's psyche with ease if you know how to train your cat

This clicker method is by far the most common and useful way of training a cat. A clicker is a small plastic device that makes a sharp clicking sound when pressed. What you want to do is associate the 'click' sound with a reward, usually food. While the result may not be immediate, your cat will gradually begin to anticipate a delicious bit of food coming its way after the click. This 'reward' should be imparted only after the cat has performed the desired action.

You should initially start in a quiet place, and bring the food that your cat loves most। Make certain that your cat understands the click-treat association. Now you can take up the desired action -- one lesson at a time, for not more than 6-10 minutes at a stretch.

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